better together meets Every monday 7pm until 8:30pm est
This group exists because doing the work of becoming more antiracist is hard and talking about it in a safe space with other folks doing their own antiracist work helps. We engage in frank discussions about antiracist topics that impact a variety of communities in a variety of ways to grow all of our collective cultural competency.
Group meetings are weekly, everyone is welcome to listen in, and join the discussion if and when they wish. Keep scrolling for more details
what happens at a meeting?
Discussion. That’s it. we just talk, listen and expand.
Discussions are intentionally part of our individual journey’s learning and internalizing antiracist ideas into our individual paradigms, and using the collective cultural intelligence, (aka cultural competency, cultural quotient or CQ) we gain to impact change in the spaces we live and work in. To ensure a safe environment to engage is such vulnerable and transparent discussion, we have Rules of Engagement.
What are Rules of Engagement?
Defined below, we all agree to these basic rules which establish mutual expectations for how meeting attendees / group members interact with one another. So often our intentions do not impact as we expect, please use this document as a guide to help you navigate any gap you may encounter between what you intended to convey and the real world impact of what you conveyed.
our rules of engagement
the real real:
We are an antiracist group (Antiracist as defined by Ibram X. Kendi)
All attendees are attending as individuals, not representatives of their employer
Discussions are honest and transparent parlay on all aspects of the systems in place in our ‘civilized’ world.
BT Meetings are Real Talk, not ‘polite conversation’, so how we engage is very important. Accordingly, we agree to the following:
Participate in Good Faith
No Fixing Others
Give Grace
Camera’s on/off, Mute on/off
No Tone Policing
Safe Space
What and who is this group for?
This group exists to help grow our collective cultural intelligence, i.e. “cultural quotient” or CQ, by engaging in open and honest discussions about antiracist topics that impact a variety of communities in a variety of ways. Discussions are intended to be part of our individual journey’s learning and internalizing antiracist ideas into our individual paradigms, and using the cultural competency (CQ) we gain to impact change in the environments we live in. The only qualification for membership is a desire to become more antiracist.
This group acknowledges that open and honest discussions based in antiracism can be uncomfortable and emotional for everyone, and that impact varies individually. It is important to recognize that the more intersections, or dimensions of diversity, a person has the higher the likelihood they come from a place of having to use more emotional labor than other folks …….so they are/feel seen, heard, and understood. and adhere to the Rules of Engagement (below).
One goal of this group is for everyone to feel welcome and participate regardless of:
Family status
Gender identity or expression
Marital status
Sexual orientation
Native language
Race and/or ethnicity
National origin
Socioeconomic status
Geographic location
Any other dimension of diversity
rules of engagement
The group acknowledges that open and honest discussions based in antiracism can be uncomfortable and emotional for everyone, and that impact varies individually. It is important to recognize that the more intersections, or dimensions of diversity, a person has the higher the likelihood they come from a place of having to use more emotional labor than other folks …….so they are/feel seen, heard, and understood.
what to do….
When someone is not in “good faith”, using abusive language, etc.?
In order to preserve the psychological safety of others, including and especially those who are performing emotional labor and education on the behalf of others, persons who are either not acting in good faith or who are not correcting their harmful behaviors cannot continue to be present for or participate in these conversations, period.
if there is a triggering conversation
Every meeting attendee has agency. If someone is being triggered during the meeting they may: speak up verbally, speak up in chat, dm meeting moderator, turn off your camera, turn on your mute. For in person meetings, excusing yourself from the room for a moment is lieu of camera/mute options.
After the meeting: call, text, slack, email group moderator or any group member.